EXCLUSIVE:Experience One Not Registered With ASIC Despite Winnings Appliances Link – channelnews

Experience ONE is a business name that does not exist according to ASIC records, but it has not stopped a Brisbane based custom installer Company who trade using the name, and whose executives have a questionable background running AV businesses, from cutting a deal with Winnings Appliances to sell security, home automation and custom install services.

The business trading under this name includes two former directors of BMR Group, an AV custom install Company that was placed into liquidation last month with debts of $1.6M.

A search of the ASIC web site reveals Experience One Pty Ltd which is a NSW based Company that has been deregistered and has no connection with any Queensland based business.

See original ChannelNews story here.

EXCLUSIVE:Winnings Appliances Linked With Questionable Director As They Try To Break Into Custom Install Market

The two directors of BMR Group were Mathew Manalis and Brendon Cousemacker. Both are now working for Experience ONE, Manalis as the Managing Director and Brendan Cousemacker as Project Manager.

Several suppliers that ChannelNews has spoken to were not aware that BMR Group had been placed into liquidation.


Also working as Business Development Manager at Experience One is Regan Webb, who is a director and Company Secretary of a Queensland based Company, Captivant Pty Ltd.

This business owns the name Experience One Smart Home, which is not being used by the business online, to market the Company or promote their relationship with Winnings.

However, the name has been given to some suppliers as the trading business for Experience One.

Other shareholders in Captivant Pty Ltd are Manalis and Cousemacker.

The fourth shareholders in Captivant are a Company called Jazone Pty Ltd that lists as its sole shareholder Jason James Gejas, an Albury based building industry executive.

Captivant was registered on the 9th of March 2022, weeks out from the liquidation of BMR Group.

According to Travis Pullen, the Liquidator of BMR Group B&T Advisory in Brisbane, he is currently working on a liquidator’s report and is keen to source previous liquidator’s reports relating to business that executives working at Experience One have been involved in.

Three of the executives working at Experience ONE, who are also listed as shareholders in Captivant Pty Ltd, were working with Manalis and Cousemacker at BMR Group and were executives at Digital Residence Pty Ltd, an AV custom install business that was placed into Liquidation in February 2018.

Digital Residence operated under the names Digital Residence, BMR Group, Brisbane Fireplaces, Livigi and Portl. The business was placed into liquidation, with debts of over $800,000.

On Regan Webb’s LinkedIn page, he claims that he is currently the Business Development Manager at Experience ONE and was also the Business Development Manager at Digital Residence and Livigy.

He also claims that he was the financial controller at Digital Residence and was responsible for marketing and project management.

The liquidator for Digital Residence indicated in his report that the Digital Residence business was sold to BMR Group in 2017, prior to the liquidation of the Company, for $103,286.
BMR Group directors claimed at the time that they had assumed “certain liabilities of the Company as consideration for the purchase of the business.”

The liquidator James Marc Imray questioned the transaction at the time as to whether the inter Company deal was an “uncommercial transaction”.

The details that Manalis supplied to the liquidator was described in the liquidator’s report as being “insufficient” at the time.

The current Project Manager at Experience ONE Brendon Cousemacker still has the BMR logo plastered over the top of his LinkedIn page.

He claims that his previous roles include being a Director at BMR Group , Director Project Manager, at Livigy, Director Operations Manager at Portl, as well as Director , Operations Manager at
Digital Residence.

These all businesses that have been placed into liquidation.

What has not been explained by executives is why they are using the name Experience One instead of Experience One Smart Homes on their web site. A visit to their Terms and Conditions on their web site comes up blank. The website also says “Copyright eXperienceONE 2022” at the bottom.

The ASIC web site claims that it’s an offence to carry on business under an unregistered business name, unless you trade under your own name, such as Mary Jones.

If you want your business to trade under a name that is different from your legal name, then you’ll have to register it as a business name.

We have tried to contact several executives of the business who at this stage are not returning calls.

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